Fetto Law Group Supports The Bionic Kidney Campaign for Barbara Hoffman

Illustration of a kidney

There are several great causes out there worth supporting, but our firm is particularly excited to participate in The Bionic Kidney Campaign, which hits close to home. This particular crowdfunding project is held in honor of Barbara Hoffman, a wife, mother, and grandmother who is greatly loved and admired by her family.

Unfortunately, Barbara’s kidneys are failing, and she is in dire need of a living donor. While she waits in the transplant list and hopes to find a match, Barbara and her family have decided to support The Kidney Project, a scientific venture that aims to find a permanent solution for these donor programs.

About The Kidney Project

The Kidney Project began at the University of California, San Francisco, where Doctor Shuvo Roy and a talented team of researchers strive to perfect their plan to create artificial kidneys for those in need of a transplant. If it is successful, this bionic kidney can eliminate the need for donor programs, helping those with kidney failure caused by ESRD enjoy long, fulfilling lives. As it stands now, roughly 25 million people suffer from chronic kidney disease, which means they face a serious risk of kidney failure. There are currently about 117,000 patients waiting on the kidney transplant list, though fewer than 20,000 kidneys are available each year.

Dr. Shuvo Roy’s plans for the bionic kidney have progressed steadily, and for phase 2 of the project, his research team intends to begin testing their product on patients in need. However, this next step is extremely costly, totaling about $3 million each year. This is where the crowdfunding efforts come in.

The money raised to support The Kidney Project will go directly towards:

  • Purchasing medical equipment
  • Hiring personnel
  • Expediting orders

The timeline for this project is extremely tight, as the need for kidney transplants continues to fuel researchers and families alike. If the project is properly funded and able to continue working at a faster pace, the final stages of clinical trials should end in 2020. After this stage, the bionic kidney will be included in the FDA’s new Expedited Access Pathway program, which reviews medical devices that could help fight life-threatening diseases. Once approved, The Kidney Project’s efforts can benefit individuals, like Barbara, who are in need of a kidney transplant.

Help the Cause

Our firm is in full support of The Kidney Project and we hope you will participate, too. If you are interested in donating, please visit The Bionic Kidney Campaign online, today.

Contact Fetto Law Group today to learn more about our community involvement or to ask about a potential personal injury case.
